Founded in September of 2018, by our leader Maxime Bernier, the People's Party of Canada was created to offer Canadians a real principled alternative to the corrupt establishment parties, which rely on pandering and vote-buying schemes to further their interests and those of lobbyists, rather than those of the people.
We envision a bright future where the government puts Canadians first, instead of trying to please other countries and global organizations. Where politicians and bureaucrats get out of your way rather than trying to control the economy and every aspect of your life. Where our country is united in pursuit of common goals instead of being divided by identity politics.
We want to make Canada a place where you and your family can thrive instead of just getting by, and achieve your dreams, no matter how big or small they are.
We invite you to check out our platform and become a member. Join us, and together we can make Canada a freer and more prosperous country we are proud to call home!